Updated: 10 December 2024 | Version 59
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Program v59
InterContinental Hotel, King Faisal Conference Hall
Day 1: Thursday 12 December 2024 - Live Demonstrations & Video Contest
07:45 - 10:00: Registration open
Welcome Address
08:30 - 08:35: Dieter C. Broering
08:35 - 08:40: Enrico Benedetti
08:40 - 08:45: Dimitri Raptis: Live Demonstrations and Video Contest Overview
08:00 - 18:00: Live Surgical Demonstrations and Video Contest

Video Contest Nominations
1. Mohamed Eltemamy - Pediatric Single Port Robotic Kidney Transplantation
2. Mario Spaggiari - Robotic Simultaneous Pancreas and Kidney Transplant
3. Phillipe Abreu - Robotic Pancreas Transplant
4. Mohamed Rela - Robotic Right Donor Hepatectomy
5. Fabrizio Di Benedetto - Robotic Right Donor Hepatectomy
6. Safi Dokmak - Laparoscopic Assisted Liver Transplantation
7. Adeel Khan - Robotic Liver Transplant with Variant Anatomy
8. Hugo Pinto Marques - Fully Robotic Whole Graft Liver Transplantation
9. Amadeo Marcos - Robotic Left Graft Liver Transplant
10. Albert Jauregui - Robotic Lung Transplant
11. Liza Johannesson - Robotic Living Donor Uterus Transplant
12. Nima Nassiri & Inderbir Gil - Robotic Bladder Autotransplantation
13. Feras Khaliel - Robotic Heart Transplant
Day 2: Friday 13 December 2024 - Consensus Sessions on Liver & Kidney Transplant
07:45 - 10:00: Registration
08:30 - 09:00: Opening Ceremony and Welcome Address
Introduction: Enrico Benedetti
Introduction Dieter C. Broering
Welcome address: Majid Alfayyad, CEO, King Faisal Specialist Hospital
Video Contest: Announcement of the three winners.
09:00 - 09:20: Special Lecture: Pier Cristoforo Giulianotti, Surgery, Chicago, IL, USA. Shaping the future of surgery with robotic systems in all operating rooms
09:20 - 09:30: Introduction to the Consensus Conference: Elizabeth A. Pomfret, Aurora, CO, USA: The Danish Model, GRADE Approach, and Voting Guidelines
Jury Members: Andreas Mayr, Akio Saiura, Claus Niemann, Elmi Muller, Mamdouh Alenazi, Michael Lesurtel, Nazia Selzner, Saleh A Alqahtani
09:30 – 12:20: Minimally Invasive Donor Hepatectomy Consensus Sessions
09:30 – 10:00: 1. How to establish a minimally invasive donor hepatectomy program and what are the optimal selection criteria for donors undergoing minimally invasive hepatectomy to ensure favorable outcomes for both donors and recipients?
Session Chairs: Elizabeth Pomfret , Fabrizio Di Benedetto, Hugo Pinto Marques, Ahmed Marwan
Panel Leader: Mohamed Rela, Surgery, Chennai, India
Panel Members:
Ashwin Rammohan, Surgery, Chennai, India
Bandar Aljudaibi, Hepatology, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Susumu Eguchi, Surgery, Nagasaki, Japan
Surendran Sudhindran, Surgery, Kochi, India
Talia Baker, Surgery, Chicago, IL, USA
Young-In Yoon, Surgery, Seoul, South Korea
10:00 - 10:30: 2. How should anesthesia protocols be adapted for minimally invasive donor hepatectomy to enhance patient safety and postoperative recovery?
Session Chairs: Fuat H. Saner, Nandor, Marczin, Naoufal Zebdi
Panel Leader: Michael Spiro, Anesthesia, London, UK
Panel Members:
Dmitri Bezinover, Anesthesia, Hershey, PA, USA
Ecaterina Scarlatescu Anesthesia, Bucharest, Romania
Pooja Bhangui, Anesthesia, Delhi, India
Stuart McCluskey, Anesthesia, Toronto, ON, Canada
Thomas Fernandez, Anesthesia, Auckland, New Zealand
10:30 - 11:00: 3. What are the most effective and safe surgical techniques in minimally invasive donor hepatectomy for optimizing donor and recipient outcomes?
Session Chairs: Mohamed Rela, Roberto Troisi, Kim Olthof, Ahmed M. Elsabbagh
Panel Leader: Dong Sik Kim, Surgery, Seoul, South Korea
Panel Members:
Kwang-Woong Lee, Surgery, Seoul, South Korea
Rajesh Rajalingam, Surgery, Chennai, India
Safi Dokmak, Surgery, Paris, France
Yao-Ming Wu, Surgery, Tapei, Taiwan
11:00 - 11:20: Coffee Break
11:20 - 11:50: 4. What Intensive Care / High Dependency / Intermediate Medical Care Unit strategies are crucial for optimizing outcomes in donors post-minimally invasive hepatectomy?
Session Chairs: Dmitri Bezinover, Pooja Bhangui, Stuart McCluskey, Amadeo Marcos
Panel Leader: Fuat Saner, Intensive Care, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Panel Members:
Akila Rajakumar, Intensive Care, Chennai, India
Annabel Blasi, Anesthesia, Barcelona, Spain
Gebhard Wagener, Intensive Care, New York, NY, USA
11:50 - 12:20: 5. What are the key considerations in postoperative management to ensure the best outcomes for donors following minimally invasive hepatectomy?
Session Chairs: Kim Olthof, Massimo Malago, Sandy Feng, Hany Said Abd Elbaset
Panel Leader: Olivier Soubrane, Surgery, Paris, France
Panel Members:
Arvinder Singh Soin, Surgery, Delhi, India
Mark Ghobrial, Surgery, Houston, TX, USA
Saad Alghamdi, Hepatology, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Talia Baker, Surgery, Chicago, IL, USA
Varvara A. Kirchner, Surgery, Stanford, CA, USA
Young-In Yoon, Surgery, Seoul, South Korea
12:20 - 12:50: Minimally Invasive Recipient Liver Transplant Consensus Session
6. What are the comprehensive strategies and critical considerations across preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative phases to enhance the success and outcomes of minimally invasive liver transplantation for recipients?
Session Chairs: Pierre-Alain Clavien, Julie Heimbach, Jean Emond, Arvinder Singh Soin
Panel Leader: Fabrizio Di Benedetto, Surgery, Modena, Italy
Panel Members:
Adeel S. Khan, Surgery, St. Louis, MO, USA
Fuat Saner, Intensive Care, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Hugo Pinto Marques, Surgery, Lisbon, Portugal
Kyung-Suk Suh, Surgery, Seoul, South Korea
Paolo Magistri, Surgery, Modena, Italy
12:50 - 13:50: Lunch Break – Sponsored Satellite Symposium
13:50 - 15:20: Minimally Invasive Donor Nephrectomy Consensus Sessions
13:50 - 14:20: 7. What criteria define the optimal selection of donors for nephrectomy to maximize safety, short as well as long-term outcomes for both donors and recipients?
Session Chairs: Hassan Aleid, Michael Spiro, Gebhard Wagener
Panel Leader: Inderbir Gill, Surgery, San Francisco, CA, USA
Panel Members:
Frank Dor, Surgery, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Khalid Bin Saad, Surgery, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Nima Nassiri, Surgery, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Phillipe Abreu, Surgery, Denver, CO, USA
14:20 - 14:50: 8. Which surgical techniques in donor nephrectomy provide the best balance between minimally invasive approaches for the donor as well as optimal outcomes for recipients?
Session Chairs: Robert Montgomery, Inderbir Gill, Karel Decaestecker
Panel Leader: Lloyd Ratner, Surgery, New York, NY, USA
Panel Members:
Frank Dor, Surgery, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Lucrezia Furian, Surgery, Padova, Italy
Phillipe Abreu, Surgery, Denver, CO, USA
14:50 - 15:20: 9. What are the key considerations in postoperative management to ensure the best outcomes for donors following minimally invasive nephrectomy?
Session Chairs: Lloyd Ratner, Khalid Bin Saad, Mohammad Ali Ghnaimat
Panel Leader: Hassan Aleid, Nephrology, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Panel Members:
Eric Martinez, Surgery, Dallas, TX, USA
Karel Decaestecker, Surgery, Ghent, Belgium
Phillipe Abreu, Surgery, Denver, CO, USA
15:20 - 15:40: Coffee Break
15:40 - 16:40: Minimally Invasive Recipient Kidney Transplant Consensus Session
10. What are the comprehensive strategies and critical considerations across preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative phases to enhance the success and outcomes of minimally invasive recipient kidney transplantation?
Session Chairs: Mario Spaggiari, Eric Martinez, Lucrezia Furian
Panel Leader: Ivo G. Tzvetanov, Surgery, Chicago, IL, USA
Panel Members:
Atsushi Yoshida, Surgery, Detroit, MI, USA
Chandra Bhat, Surgery, Baltimore, MD, USA
Mohamed Eltemamy, Surgery, Cleveland, OH, USA
Phillipe Abreu, Surgery, Denver, CO, USA
Pranjal R. Modi, Surgery, Gujarat, India
Rodrigo Vianna, Surgery, Miami, FL, USA
16:40 - 17:00: Closing Remarks
17:30 - 23:00: Gala Dinner
Day 3: Saturday 14 December 2024 - Consensus Sessions on Pancreas, Lung, Heart, & Uterus Transplant
07:45 - 10:00: Registration
08:30 - 08:40: Introduction:Dieter Broering and Enrico Benedetti
08:40 - 09:00: Special Lecture: Robert Montgomery, New York, NY, USA.
Innovating Transplant Medicine: Strategies for Safe and Effective Implementation
Jury Members: Andreas Mayr, Akio Saiura, Claus Niemann, Elmi Muller, Mamdouh Alenazi, Michael Lesurtel, Nazia Selzner, Saleh A Alqahtani
09:00 - 09:30: Minimally Invasive Recipient Pancreas Transplant Consensus Session
11. What are the comprehensive strategies and critical considerations across preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative phases to enhance the success and outcomes of minimally invasive recipient pancreas transplant?
Session Chairs: Giuliano Testa, Ivo G. Tzvetanov, Rodrigo Vianna
Panel Leader: Mario Spaggiari, Surgery, Chicago, IL, USA
Panel Members:
Ugo Boggi, Surgery, Pisa, Italy
Phillipe Abreu, Surgery, Denver, CO, USA
09:30 - 09:50: Coffee Break
09:50 - 10:20: Minimally Invasive Lung Transplantation Consensus Session
12. What are the comprehensive strategies and critical considerations across preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative phases to enhance the success and outcomes of minimally invasive recipient lung transplantation?
Session Chairs: Khaled Alkattan, Thomas M.A. Fernandez, Ecaterina Scarlatescu
Panel Leader: Alberto J Abularach, Surgery, Barcelona, Spain
Panel Members:
Dominick Megna, Surgery, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Nandor Marczin, Anesthesia, Harefield, UK
Naoufal Zebdi, Anesthesia, Barcelona, Spain
Pedro Catarino, Surgery, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Reinaldo E. Rampolla, Pulmonology, Los Angeles, CA, USA
10:20 - 10:50: Minimally Invasive Heart Transplantation Consensus Session
13. How can minimally invasive cardiac surgery techniques be adapted for heart transplantation to reduce trauma, select initial patients effectively, address surgical challenges, and ensure optimal postoperative recovery and success?
Session Chairs: Khaled Alkattan, Fuat H. Saner, Akila Rajakumar
Panel Leader: Feras Khaliel, Surgery, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Panel Members:
Mohammed Alreshidan, Surgery, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Aly M. Alsanei, Surgery, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Vinay Badhwar, Surgery, Morgantown, WV USA
Zain Khalpey, Surgery, Boston, MA, USA
10:50 - 11:10: Coffee Break
11:10 - 12:00: Minimally Invasive Uterus Transplantation Consensus Session
14. How can minimally invasive techniques for uterus donor retrieval and transplantation be optimized in preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative phases to improve outcomes for both donors and recipients
Session Chairs: Pier Cristoforo Giulianotti, Ugo Boggi, Phillipe Abreu
Panel Leader: Giuliano Testa, Surgery, Dallas, Texas, USA
Panel Members:
Liza Johannesson, Surgery, Dallas, TX, USA
Luiz Carvalho, Reproductive Medicine, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Marcelo de Andrade Vieira, Surgery, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Niclas Kvarnström, Surgery, Gothenburg, Sweden
Pernilla Dahm-Kähler, Surgery, Gothenburg, Sweden
12:00 - 12:20: Special Lecture: Pierre-Alain Clavien, Zurich, CH
From Consensus to Clinical Practice: Measuring the Impact of Clinical Recommendations
12:20 - 12:30: Closing Remarks
12:30 - 13:00: Lunch
Day 4: Sunday, 15 December 2024 – Virtual Satellite Symposiums
Al Opal Room – InterContinental Hotel Riyadh – Max. Capacity 18 Delegates – Free Entrance
10:00 - 13:30: Jury Meeting to Form the Final Recommendations
Exclusively for Jury and Writing Committee Members. Coffee & Snacks available
14:00 - 16:00: Virtual International LDLT Registry ( Symposium
Explore initial findings from, accessible globally via Zoom
16:00 - 16:30: Coffee Break and Snacks
16:30 - 18:30: Virtual HeALgroup.AI (Healthcare AI Language Group) Symposium
Review current and future AI projects in healthcare, accessible globally via Zoom
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